Saturday, December 26, 2009
Coming in 2010!
It's true and still hard to believe! We are excited to announce we have a baby girl on the way. She is due in May and what we had come to believe as the impossible is still sinking in. Three little boys in our home are adjusting to the news and Ethan's immediate reaction was one of horror at the thought of barbies making an appearance. They really are thrilled with the news as are we. Dresses, hairbows, sparkles and dolls....very foreign but we are up for the challenge!
Monday, October 26, 2009
{ Most Importantly }
It's been a long while....lots of pictures and words needed to update the last few months. Most importantly at this time, more important than any of that"fluff" I tell you that myself and my family need your prayers.
My mom is currently in the ICU in extremely critical condition. We need all the faith and prayers we can get at this time. Thank you to all the friends and family that have been aware of the situation and have offered support. We are extremely grateful.
I have set up a blog in which I will update her condition as often as I can. My sincerest of thank you's.
Friday, May 22, 2009
{ The Day has Come }
So it's true, and I'm in denial about it. Tomorrow I turn 30. Those of you reading this that are older are thinking...whatever. Those of you who are younger are thinking how old I am, right?
Well it's something that of course I knew would come or at least in all reality I should be glad it came, but this is a tough one. I am pleased with my life thus far but is it really possible that this day came so quickly? Huuhhh..... I'm puzzled as to were the time went. I thought to honor myself :) and to try to lessen the blow I would try to be introspective about myself and my life and post 30 facts about little ole me. Boring perhaps ... you have permission to go now if the thought of 30 facts that you have to trudge through is too much to handle.
* I am a loyal friend! I really make an effort to keep in touch.
* I'm a diet coke junkie...sad but true
* I thrive on a busy schedule. More to do causes me to be more organized.
* I am not a "details" person, I leave that to Matt
* I like to talk. "Yellow Energy" (as Matt calls it) is a must for me
* My favorite color is Red
* I love to "network" with people. Moms, Business Owners, Handy get the idea.
* I hate puzzles (goes back to the detail thing)
* I don't mind speaking in public or in front of groups
* Sleep is my favorite hobby
* I've discovered I have a real thing for hair product
* I love being a mom to boys
* I love mushrooms and artichoke hearts
* I am cheap
* I always have a spiral notebook with my life's notes
* I don't mind laundry
* I love e-mail and now have it at my fingertips with my fun
* I love to vacuum...instant satisfaction!
* I get grumpy when I'm hot
* I was Relief Society President of a family ward at that will age you instantly!
* I love childbirth (pregnany a different story) ...2 of my boys nearly fell out on there own
* I ask a lot of questions, this is how I connect with people. Annoying I'm sure.
* I'm an optomistic person.
* I like a clean house. I didn't say it was clean, but I do like it when it is.
* I'm kind of a clothes horse when it comes to my boys
* I drive a mini van.....never thought that day would come
* Black Friday is where it's at
* I read the obituaries
* I love Mexican food
* I cut all the "boy hair" in my family, now that's a full time job
* I'm a saver
* Bubble Wrap is my friend
* I love all the friendships I have made with customers and clients
* I love my life and couldn't be happier, even if I'm doing it now in my "30's" ....WOW, that's even more than 30! Thanks to anyone who stuck around for all my ramblings. I never thought I'd make it. Who has time to think about this stuff let alone type it out!
Well it's something that of course I knew would come or at least in all reality I should be glad it came, but this is a tough one. I am pleased with my life thus far but is it really possible that this day came so quickly? Huuhhh..... I'm puzzled as to were the time went. I thought to honor myself :) and to try to lessen the blow I would try to be introspective about myself and my life and post 30 facts about little ole me. Boring perhaps ... you have permission to go now if the thought of 30 facts that you have to trudge through is too much to handle.
* I am a loyal friend! I really make an effort to keep in touch.
* I'm a diet coke junkie...sad but true
* I thrive on a busy schedule. More to do causes me to be more organized.
* I am not a "details" person, I leave that to Matt
* I like to talk. "Yellow Energy" (as Matt calls it) is a must for me
* My favorite color is Red
* I love to "network" with people. Moms, Business Owners, Handy get the idea.
* I hate puzzles (goes back to the detail thing)
* I don't mind speaking in public or in front of groups
* Sleep is my favorite hobby
* I've discovered I have a real thing for hair product
* I love being a mom to boys
* I love mushrooms and artichoke hearts
* I am cheap
* I always have a spiral notebook with my life's notes
* I don't mind laundry
* I love e-mail and now have it at my fingertips with my fun
* I love to vacuum...instant satisfaction!
* I get grumpy when I'm hot
* I was Relief Society President of a family ward at that will age you instantly!
* I love childbirth (pregnany a different story) ...2 of my boys nearly fell out on there own
* I ask a lot of questions, this is how I connect with people. Annoying I'm sure.
* I'm an optomistic person.
* I like a clean house. I didn't say it was clean, but I do like it when it is.
* I'm kind of a clothes horse when it comes to my boys
* I drive a mini van.....never thought that day would come
* Black Friday is where it's at
* I read the obituaries
* I love Mexican food
* I cut all the "boy hair" in my family, now that's a full time job
* I'm a saver
* Bubble Wrap is my friend
* I love all the friendships I have made with customers and clients
* I love my life and couldn't be happier, even if I'm doing it now in my "30's" ....WOW, that's even more than 30! Thanks to anyone who stuck around for all my ramblings. I never thought I'd make it. Who has time to think about this stuff let alone type it out!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
{ 10 Years Ago Today }
10 Years ago today I married my favorite person. Hard to believe how quickly the time passes but at the same time feeling that it's been forever. I'm happier today than I was on what most people would call the most important day of a person's life. It's all about marrying the right person at the right time in the right place that makes it all work. The equation for a happy life together!
Happy Anniversary Matt!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
{ Better Home Interiors }
I want to thank all of you that have linked my business to your blog!
Word of mouth advertising is the best advertising of this leads me to ask all of you loyal blog readers ( and I know who you are) to do me a favor......pretty please! Take a look to your immediate right, in case you didn't notice before but Better Home Interiors has a fancy button and you can have it too! Take it, share it, admire it and don't forget to use it!!
Thanks to all of you!
Monday, February 16, 2009
He's gonna be rich!
Recently we had a big event take place at our house. Ethan lost one of his front teeth. I guess he's really growing up! But.....the best part as Jackson informed Ethan is that you get to put your tooth under your pillow and the tooth fairy brings you Quarters, Diamonds and Pennies!
What a deal I'd say!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
January....the bad and the really good
So I've got a little money saving tip for you.....
since it's cold out anyway why use your fridge when you can do this? Put your milk in ice banks to chill, perishables in a family size cooler and condiments, well they can fend for themselves. It's really convenient, except for the fact that all your labels fall off, everything is slightly damper than normal because unfortunately it does rain in the winter. Bummer! I'm sure you figured this is not something we planned. Matt and I had been getting ready to leave out of town for a week when our fridge went out unexpectedly. Well, I suppose that it's never "expected". What a drag! Anyway we improvised (thank goodness it is winter) and now three fridges later (don't ask) we are good to go.
So after figuring all of this out this is where we got to go:
Looks fun doesn't it?! Well it was!
January in Cabo San Lucas, not too shabby I must say. Matt or possibly strangers snorkeling...not too sure, I was dozing on the job :)

The "hat" : best vacation accessory now determined. Made early morning dining on the ship possible without exposing severe bedhead to unsuspecting cruise passengers.

This was one of our formal nights for dinner. Good food and even better date.

Food is something that there is no shortage of on a cruise ship. Believe me if you haven't been it's hard to imagine where they possibly store this kind of mass quanity of grub. But it's not about the quantity (well for many it was :) but for us it's all about presentation. Sad but true we took pictures of our food like every night. This is just a small sample. Our dinner mates must have thought we were crazy....but hey, we like to document.

Yummy!! You just can't go wrong with lobster. And, well if one isn't enough to fill you up order 2 or 3. Does it get any better than this?

Now to sum up this beautiful vacation:
Relaxation to the fullest
An over abundance of delicious food
Someone to clean my room and make my bed (twice a day)
Warm weather and sunshine that can't be beat
Time with my sweetheart that can't be matched at home
An opportunity to miss my children
Realization of how blessed we are in the US bad economy or not we are lucky!
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